Support mytravis

Contribute to Improving Tourism in Lithuania!

Our website, MyTravis, aims to map and popularize as many tourist attractions in Lithuania as possible, thereby promoting tourism and contributing to the preservation of the country's cultural heritage. Your support is crucial in achieving this goal and will help improve tourism in our country.

How the Support Will Be Used:

  • MyTravis Website Updates: We will continuously improve and modernize the website to make it more user-friendly and informative for our visitors.
  • Tourism Promotion Campaigns: We will invest in advertising campaigns and tourism promotion initiatives to attract more visitors from both Lithuania and abroad.
  • Development of Android and iOS Applications: We will create applications that will further simplify the discovery and visitation of tourist attractions for travelers.

Support Details:

  • Recipient Name: Kazimieras Daukšys
  • Bank Account: LT167300010187641321
  • Bank: Swedbank
  • SWIFT Code: HABALT22
  • Individual Activity Number: 1291057

Your support is very important as every contribution helps us achieve these goals and create a better future for Lithuanian tourism. Thank you for your support and contribution!

Support mytravis

Contribute to Improving Tourism in Lithuania!

Our website, MyTravis, aims to map and popularize as many tourist attractions in Lithuania as possible, thereby promoting tourism and contributing to the preservation of the country's cultural heritage. Your support is crucial in achieving this goal and will help improve tourism in our country.

How the Support Will Be Used:

  • MyTravis Website Updates: We will continuously improve and modernize the website to make it more user-friendly and informative for our visitors.
  • Tourism Promotion Campaigns: We will invest in advertising campaigns and tourism promotion initiatives to attract more visitors from both Lithuania and abroad.
  • Development of Android and iOS Applications: We will create applications that will further simplify the discovery and visitation of tourist attractions for travelers.

Support Details:

  • Recipient Name: Kazimieras Daukšys
  • Bank Account: LT167300010187641321
  • Bank: Swedbank
  • SWIFT Code: HABALT22
  • Individual Activity Number: 1291057

Your support is very important as every contribution helps us achieve these goals and create a better future for Lithuanian tourism. Thank you for your support and contribution!